Love God

with all their heart, soul, and might.
Deuteronomy 6:5

Love God's People

because this is how all people will know we’re disciples of Jesus.
John 13:35

Love God's Word

by storing God’s word in their heart so they might not sin.
Psalm 119:11

Love God's Mission

because we are His witnesses in our community and to the nations.
Acts 1:8

through building relationships based on community development from our weekly on-campus gatherings, and quarterly events by our involvement with the Etowah Baptist Association.


is our Wednesday night gathering at 6pm. This is our sermon based worship opportunity for students to be challenged in their faith and build community with their peers.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

is our traditional “sunday school” hour gathering at 9:15am. This hour allows for students to grow in faith through discussion facilitated by questions generated by the scriptures being studied that quarter.