We are so glad you’re here! White Springs was founded over 150 years ago and since then we’ve been working hard to build a community that is safe, welcoming and full of love. We are a big family that loves Jesus, loves you and longs for everyone to know Him. If you are new to White Springs, fill out our visitor form to connect with us.

Plan your visit
Sunday mornings begin at 9:15am. We meet in small group/sunday school for adults (classes
are specific to gender, generational, and co-ed to choose from), college and young adults,
youth (6th-12th grade), and children (birth-5th grade). All adult and youth classes meet in our
main building, while our children meet in the Children’s Dept located in our Multi-Purpose
facility located behind the main building.
Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10:30AM. The most accessible entry to the Worship
Center/Sanctuary is by using the front entrance facing Rainbow Drive. Visitor parking is located
in the front and to the left of our main building.
If you have children, the Children’s Dept and Nursery is located behind the main building in our
multi-purpose facility which is easily accessible from our visitor parking. We have a check-in/
check-out procedure to ensure the safety of all our families attending White Springs.
On Sunday morning for children during our worship service, we have a moment in the service
when the children are invited to sit at the alter with one of our pastors who encourages our kids
with a special message from scripture. We also offer a Children’s Church which the kids are
dismissed to after we finish the congregational singing portion of our service. Children’s Church
takes place in the Children’s Dept in our multi-purpose facility. You can meet your child in the
Children’s Dept at the conclusion of our worship hour.
The music in our worship service is a blend of traditional church music with a more modern,
contemporary presentation. Our pastors sermons are expository rather than topical, meaning
we walk verse by verse through the text/scripture. Our typical preaching series may involve
walking thru a book of scripture to focused time on a discipline such as prayer.
On a typical sunday morning you will find members of our faith family dressed traditionally in
coat/tie, to Friday business casual, to comfortable in jeans/t-shirt. You’re invited to worship
with us how you feel most comfortable.
If you have questions, reach out to us here.